Sunday, March 20, 2011

Joella In Her Own Words

Below is a short video clip that was shown in the funeral service yesterday.

(Hint: to view in fullscreen, click button in bottom right of video below)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Memorial Service Details

Services will be at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, March 19, 2011 at Lee's Summit Community Church, 1440 SW Jefferson St., Lee's Summit, MO 64081. Visitation will be 6-8:00 p.m. Friday, March 18, 2011 at the church. Burial in Lee's Summit Historical Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Heartland Church, (Memo: Joella Memorial) PO Box 803, Blue Springs, MO 64013.

Online condolences may be expressed at (Arr: Speaks Suburban Chapel 373-3600).

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Our little Joella Grace went home to be with her Lord today.

She had a seizure last night and her brain swelled very rapidly this morning due to bacterial meningitis that had spread to her spinal fluid. She did not have any brain function and the machines were keeping her alive. We sang "Blessed Be Your Name" and let her go this evening. She was surrounded by family, many of whom got to hold her. Cameron gave her lots of goodbye kisses and held her hand. I held her body for a long time. I am thankful to have given birth to this sweet miracle and to have held her as she drifted off into the eternity of heaven.

She is no longer suffering and is experiencing wonder upon wonder in the presence of God. Our hearts are broken, but the Lord is carrying us. Thank you all for your prayers. Please continue to pray for our family. Only by His grace can we walk.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Joella has continued to spike high fevers today despite fever-reducing medications. They found a bacteria growing in her blood culture, a different type from the last bacteria they found in our previous hospital stay, but they don't know the specific type yet.

She's mostly sleeping and refuses to eat, even pizza. Whenever she wakes up she complains of having a wet or dirty diaper. I feel like I've been changing diapers almost continuously, though most of them are almost dry. She may be ultra-sensitive with the fever.

Just a week or so before her ALL diagnosis, I remember asking the ladies in my Bible study to pray for my relationship with Joella--I found it easy to connect with my son, but it's been more difficult with Joella. Well, Joella and I have certainly bonded during these hospital stays. We've had so many sweet moments, and that is an answer to prayer.

Continue to lift up prayers on her behalf to the One who made the stars, Who knows every hair on her head and every cell in her body, and to Whom nothing is ever a surprise.

And...we're back!

We're back at the hospital again. It's just soooo much fun, we can't stay away! Well, that's not exactly it, but that's what we tell the hospital staff. :)

Last night Joella's temperature was up and down, but it went down right before bed so we decided to get a good night's sleep at home. This morning her temp went up to 101.0, close to the 101.5 guideline for admittance to the hospital. She also vomited twice and was just crying and shaking. The doctor on call thought it would be a good idea for her to come in for observation, and we definitely agreed.

I had not done a good job of re-packing hospital bags last night, so it's definitely only by God's divine help that our whole family was on the road at 8 a.m.--dressed and fed with all of our bags packed.

Joella feels pretty lousy right now, not wanting to eat or drink. Her last temp was 103.8. Her blood counts came back with platelets and hemoglobin at safe levels (she received transfusions of both yesterday), but her ANC is zero. So it's no wonder she has a fever. Please pray for comfort and healing for her. We're thankful for the wisdom of her doctors and that we're here right now.

Friday, March 11, 2011

We're home!

Just a quick note to let you know that we're home from the hospital. A home health nurse came by with supplies and taught me how to administer Joella's IV antibiotic. It will only be once daily for seven days. It seemed simple enough with the nurse walking me through it...we'll see how it goes tomorrow!

It's beautiful, warm sunshine-y weather here. I hope Joella can get out and enjoy it soon. Cameron has been showering his sister with kisses. They seem happy to see each other.

Please pray that Joella will stay fever-free so we can enjoy a little break at home. I'm starting to see what a gift any amount time at home is after being in the cancer ward of Children's Mercy. We've met several families who have been there continuously for months or who come in for a month at a time for chemo...and they are still smiling. Each day is a gift.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Small steps

Joella has perked up quite a bit today. We just had a good time in the play room. Joella took several steps by herself and stood without assistance at the play centers. She's been asking for food almost continuously, but she's also still pretty picky about which foods she'll eat.

They're going to send the bacteria sample from her blood to Mayo Clinic to have it tested against various antibiotics. This process could take two weeks, so in the meantime, the doctors will send us home with an IV antibiotic similar to the one she's been taking in the hospital.

Joella also will receive platelets and a blood transfusion today or tomorrow because her counts are low.

Please pray for wisdom to know when it's safe for Joella to come home and for all the details surrounding caring for her at our house. Thank the Lord for small steps today!