Friday, March 11, 2011

We're home!

Just a quick note to let you know that we're home from the hospital. A home health nurse came by with supplies and taught me how to administer Joella's IV antibiotic. It will only be once daily for seven days. It seemed simple enough with the nurse walking me through it...we'll see how it goes tomorrow!

It's beautiful, warm sunshine-y weather here. I hope Joella can get out and enjoy it soon. Cameron has been showering his sister with kisses. They seem happy to see each other.

Please pray that Joella will stay fever-free so we can enjoy a little break at home. I'm starting to see what a gift any amount time at home is after being in the cancer ward of Children's Mercy. We've met several families who have been there continuously for months or who come in for a month at a time for chemo...and they are still smiling. Each day is a gift.


  1. Praise God! Thanks for the update.(<:

  2. So glad for a sunny, warm day for your homecoming. Thanks for sharing all your good news -- especially on the tough days. We're grateful for the blessings big and small you've seen, and praying for many more.

  3. We are so glad you are home. Joella and your family are continuely in our prayers. We pray that Joella will get stronger and healthier each day.
    Love, The Rogges
