Friday, March 4, 2011

Dots and Kix and soggy thumbs

Joella's chemotherapy infusion went well yesterday. We will need to watch her closely because this particular chemo can cause anaphylactic shock for up to two weeks after the initial infusion. Please pray that I would not worry about this but would continue to trust and obey God. Joella spiked another fever at 8 p.m., but has been fever free all night and this morning.

Another praise is that we've found a better system for giving her oral medications. We start with the worst-tasting one and then wait half and hour between medications. That way, if she vomits, we only need to repeat one medication. She's not happy to take them, but it's quick, and she's keeping them down.

We've had a really happy morning with lots of smiles from Joella. She is wearing the pink polka dot dress as seen in her birthday picture and she likes her "dots." She ate really well for breakfast and enjoyed her first taste of Kix cereal. She likes the little balls and milk.

We've been reading lots of books, but she's still not up to playing or walking yet. She has been saying more words today, which is encouraging. Her thumb is in her mouth almost constantly here, and it's starting to change shape and get really soggy! I tell her to switch thumbs from time to time. I'm glad her thumb and bunny give her comfort during scary and painful procedures.

We're still awaiting cytogenetics results which are a big piece of the puzzle for her treatment and prognosis.

My devotion this morning was on 2 Corinthians 12:9 "...My grace is sufficient for you..." I've talked a lot and read a lot about God's all-sufficient grace, but it's very sweet to experience it in a deep way in the midst of difficult circumstances. I pray that you will see God's grace as completely sufficient for your circumstances, too. Thank you for loving and praying for us.

1 comment:

  1. A friend from church shared your blog with me. I have been sharing it as well - you are heard and loved. I am praying for Joella and your family. Please keep sharing. Kourtney
