Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Peace and Progress

I'm giving Kerry a chance to (hopefully) sleep in-between nurse/doctor's visits, and posting an update myself.

There's a lot to be thankful for today. As I was driving our 4-year-old son to the hospital today, I realized that I could spend the entire trip thanking God for things, not even scratching the surface of the grace that He has poured out on us. It's also been a "whirlwind" type of day, as it turns out, but here are some of the highlights:
  • Joella has been fever-free for over 24 hours, which implies that she's infection-free at the moment.
  • She also has been taking all of her oral medications without (much) fussing, particularly the extremely bitter steroids.
  • If all goes well the next couple of days, she will come home Thursday.
  • Cameron (our 4-year-old son) got to come up and see his sister and mother after more than 4 days of separation. He's actually been having a blast these last several days, spending time with friends and family.
  • My parents also came up to spend some time with Joella, and then they took Cameron back to Topeka for a mini-vacation.
A definite answer to prayer is that Kerry and I had a good meeting with Joella's new primary care doctor, nurse and social worker yesterday. We really like them a lot, and we felt like we received the wisdom we needed to make some good decisions regarding the next stage of treatments. We had many more meetings today, which were also very helpful. We are pretty much on "information overload" right now, so we're excited to have some time to read, think and process all of this new information.

We are so humbled by all who have prayed/encouraged/served/fed us during this time. God is doing things far beyond my comprehension in all this, but He certainly has "built us up" through all of you. There has been much joy and peace these past few days, even amidst the whirlwind of doctors' visits, treatments and the myriad of other "interruptions" throughout the day. Glory to God, glory to God.


  1. Dear Conrad family. We don't know each other, yet we are brothers and sisters. I heard about Joella from a member (Jamey Langston) of the adult Sunday School class I teach. When she mentioned Joella and ALL, I began to wonder if she might be being treated at CMH. My niece, Monika Graber, is a pediatric oncology nurse there. I've contacted Monika and she knows of Joella and your family. She said this in an email to me last night: "Joella is up here and is cute as a button. :) Her family knows the Lord and have started a really neat blog about their journey (Jamey put it at the bottom of her first email) with her through this mess we call "the big C." Such a blessing for me to be able to watch families up here who know the Lord walk through things with an amazing attitude!"

    Monika's mom, my only sister Bernadette, died of brain cancer in 1996. Monika knows pain and struggle and yet she is one of the most upbeat, victorious people you'll meet. She loves our Lord and will brighten any room with her smile. I pray you will have the chance to interact with her. Also will pray that your precious Joella is cured.


    Dave Vitt

  2. Thank you for keeping us up to date, It is helpful to know how to pray and praise. : )

    I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

    —Philippians 4:13

  3. Our unbelievable God, in all He has done to create and sustain our universe, knows: you and Joella and all the medical team and all your family and friends and all those that attend you on the internet. HE has purpose in everything HE does or allows to happen to us. HE is intimately aware of everything happening to you. We pray for all being affected by this circumstance and that you will have faith in everything that is happening. God's will - will reign supreme as always. HE is always in total control. Sickness and death as well as other events in life are given to us to strength our faith in HIM. Without faith it is totally impossible to please him. I have personal experience with God and Leukemia when my 19 yr. old son came down with it. He is alive and well now 24 years later after going some of the most unbelievable near death events. I occured at a time when I needed to be humbled from the heights my business had taken me. "Why do bad things happen to good people". They happen to the saved according to his purpose. These events happen to bring us closer to HIM by faith in the things HE brings to bear on us. Otherwise we would be lost. God bless you in your trials now and that are to come. In Christ, Jim Stevenson. PS. Love will prevail. Ask the MOST HIGH for additional wisom, faith and Love to get you through. HE will give you the peace that passeth understanding.
